Contact form

If you want to contact us, please complete and send the form below. The fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

General information

Do you have a license issued by an authority competent for the regulation or supervision in Montenegro, the EU or other country? *

Innovative financial product or service:

Describe the product or service you intend to offer with as many details as possible, including the business model: *

Innovation area (you can select many areas): *

At which phase is currently your product/service? *

What new value do your products bring to users? *

What is your target market? (You can select more areas): *

Have you already contacted any other institution competent for legislation or the supervision of financial services in Montenegro, the EU or globally in relation to your product or service? *

What is the source of financing the service development and/or placement? (You can select many areas) *


Additional comments:

Please confirm you're not a robot

After receiving your contact form, we might contact you for further clarification by e-mail, phone, or invite you for a meeting.

We will make every effort to reply to your query as soon as possible. The deadline depends on the query complexity and the details of the submitted information.

CBCG FinTech Hub follows confidentiality and personal data privacy protection principles and the protection of information obtained. Information and documentation obtained from a legal entity are treated as a trade secret with strict confidentiality. CBCG Fintech Hub will use the submitted data exclusively to interpret your business model and basic technology and assess the specific innovation’s impact on the payment and financial services development, both in Montenegro and globally, to respond to your request.